Knowledge Base Archive

Toz Kanama Durdurucuların Özellikleri ve Kullanım Alanları

Properties and Usage Areas of Powder Hemostats

Powder hemostats that offer an alternative solution to ensure haemostasias for wide-surface bleeding comes with numerous
Cerrahi Plejit (Keçe) Nedir ve Kullanım Alanları Nerelerdir?

What Is Surgical Pledget and Its Usage Areas?

Pledgets which are known as PTFE mesh are surgical suture accessories that prevent the sutured tissue to be torn. These
Boz Marka Tempowire Cerrahi Geçici Pace Teli

What Is Temporary Pace Wire and Its Usage Areas?

Temporary epicardial pace wires also known as TEPW are routinely used in heart surgery since the 1960s. Surgical tempora
Geçici Pace Telinin Kullanım Teknikleri

Usage Techniques for Temporary Pace Wire

Tempowire surgical temporary heart pace wire has one-edge slipped insulation or diameter. It is fastened to myocardium w
Cerrahi İpliklerin Türleri ve Öne Çıkan Özellikleri Nelerdir?

What Are The Types Of Surgical Sutures And Their Highlighted Features?

Surgical sutures which are also called the sutures are among the most preferred medical devices among other medical mate
Fıtık (Herni) Nedir ve Fıtık Onarım Teknikleri Nelerdir?

What Is Hernia and What Are Hernia Repair Techniques?

Hernia is a common pathology type in the community. Hernia is weakened muscle or formation holding the internal organs t
Hemostat Kanama Durdurucu Ajanlar Nedir?

What Is Hemostat (Hemostatic Agent) and What Are Hemostat Types?

Hemostats also known as antihemorrhagic agents are hemostatic agents used on the bleeding region to stop the bleeding on
Cerrahi Mesh (Yama) Nedir ve Kullanım Alanları Nerelerdir?

What Is Surgical Mesh and What Are The Usage Areas?

These medical devices or medical materials called surgical mesh or surgery mesh are used for hernia repair for weak tiss
Yara Türleri Nelerdir? Akut Yaralar Nedir?

What Are Wound Types?

Our skin is the first defence line for our body against the external threats and it forms the 15% of body weight as the
Historical Development of Surgical Sutures

Historical Development of Surgical Sutures

Wound is the damaged anatomic integrity of a tissue due to any trauma. Applying the necessary treatment to stop the blee